Are dental implants right for me?

dental implant pros, dental implant cons, Perry Dental

Dental implants offer a semi-permanent solution for anyone with missing teeth. A dental implant is a screw-like surgically implanted piece of metal in the jaw that supports a fake tooth (crown, bridge, etc.). 

If you are missing teeth, you might be considering dental implants. Weighing the pros and cons is a good start.


Dental implants look just like actual teeth. There is no metal or other attachment that is visible in the smile. Dental implants are the prime aesthetic option.

They are also stronger than all other options, including dentures. Because of the metal root, dental implants are the sturdiest fake tooth option. 

Because implants are much like teeth, they allow for unhindered speaking and eating. 

Dental implants typically last upwards of 15 years when dental hygiene is well-practiced. They last longer than even dentures.

The screw-like implant can create better support for your jaw where there was none before, preventing bone loss and facial changes over time.


Like any dental procedure, there are some cons involved. There are also inevitable risks with surgery.

The process of implant surgery is long and arduous. It requires many appointments and a long healing process. Surgery also comes with many risks, including failure of the implant itself.

Certain individuals are not candidates for implants because of the likelihood of implant failure and the dangers of surgery. If you smoke often or are diabetic, you might not be a candidate for implant surgery.

Implants are expensive. With longevity and aesthetics comes price. 

Speak With Your Dentist

While knowing the pros and cons helps, the only way to know your likelihood of experiencing each pro and con is to meet with a dentist. Contact Perry Dental to speak to a dentist more about dental implants!

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