My child's tooth won't fall out. What should I do?

baby tooth, baby teeth, wiggling, pediatric dentist, pulling baby teeth

Stubborn baby teeth cause frustration for parents and children alike. They can be loose and wiggling for weeks. While it might feel like the simple solution is to pull them out, pulling is not a good solution.

Don’t Pull

Pulling out baby teeth can cause harm and unnecessary pain for the child. The teeth might still be connected to nerves. Pulling can then cause nerve issues in the mouth. Nerves are also sensitive, and your child might experience severe pain with pulling.

Pulling baby teeth out might also affect the primary teeth. Primary teeth play a role in pushing the baby teeth out. If they aren’t able to do that, they are more likely to come in misaligned.

Do Wiggle

Encourage your child to gently wiggle their tooth. They can use their fingers or their tongue. With a lot of gentle movement, the tooth will fall out naturally.

You can also feed your child crunchier food. Crunchy food and wiggling should eventually do the trick. If these simple solutions don’t work, visit a pediatric dentist.

The Tooth Still Won’t Fall Out

If your child’s tooth still won’t come out after weeks of loose wiggling, reach out to Perry Dental Kids to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist.

A dentist can take x-rays of your child’s mouth to see if there is an issue of crowding that might necessitate tooth extraction. The dentist can then remove the baby tooth properly if necessary.

Choose caution and patience when handling the excitement of loose baby teeth for your child. When teeth are permitted to fall out naturally, it is much safer and less painful for the child. Don’t be shy about calling a dentist to ask further questions today.

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